Monday, August 12, 2019

Business Ethics (Case Analysis) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Ethics (Case Analysis) - Essay Example Brazil has been a place that Caterpillar has utilized to expand its operations and in 1993 the company consolidated its Brazilian operations in Piracicaba. Piracicaba was a town in dying need of industrial development in order to improve the supply of jobs available to the people. The region needed help and Catepillar became the perfect opportunity the people of Piracicaba needed. As Catepillar established itself in Piracicaba its arrival place it on the map as far as the town gaining international recognition. This indirectly helped the tourism industry and it eventually open the doors so that other companies began to move into Piracicaba. Caterpillar at first did not get too involved in the community. As the company starting building a networking within the community its level of involvement in social affairs at Piracicaba increase. Caterpillar since its arrival at Piracicaba improved the quality of life of the community by providing quality good paying jobs which helped many people in the region get out of poverty. Not only did the company pay a good salary, but the firm also provided many fringe benefits. The creation of a drug rehabilitation program to help employees with addiction is an example of the types of initiatives the company performed that goes beyond the norm. The employees are one of many stakeholder groups a company must considered when implementing corporate social responsibility strategies. Some of the other stakeholders that must be included within a CRS plan are the environment, suppliers, business partners, vendors, shareholders, lenders, and the community (Kotler, 2002). Despite the positive change that came once the company settled in the area many people the perception of many of the locals is that the company was simply not doing enough. Another thing was that the people felt that those Brazilians that gotten these good jobs were not grateful and were not doing anything to help the

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